“…Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Ephesians 4:15-17 (NIV)
From College and Career to Retirees, FBCM's Adult Ministry aims to engage adults of all ages in intentional discipleship so we may follow Jesus and become more like him - full of grace and truth.
Sunday Morning
Every Sunday morning, there are classes for Adults (in addition for classes for teenagers, children, and nursery) at 9:30 a.m.
Friendship Class co-taught by Michael Hoffman and Pastor Jonathan. Primarily (but not exclusively!) consists of parents of young children. This class meets in B-05.
Intergenerational Bible Study class taught by James Heimlich. The class meets in B-04.

Rhythms of Discipleship

We also have various Life groups that meet in set seasons. In between the seasons, we have times of “All Church Discipleship” where all adults gather for Bible study or a teaching series.
Life Group / All-Church Discipleship Seasons
In 2024, our schedule is as follows:
February - end of March | Winter Life Group Season
April | All Church Discipleship (Teaching Series)
May - July | Summer Life Group Season
May | All Church Discipleship (Teaching Series)
September - end of November | Fall Life Group Season
Life Groups
We have several life groups which meet at various days & times for discipleship, Bible study, and encouragement.
If you’re interested in joining a small group, or are seeking more information, contact adult[at]fbcmuncie.org
College & Career Life Group | For college students and those in early career. Led by Pastors Jonathan & Kendall at their house, this life group meets for lunch and discussion immediately after service on select weeks.This group explores how faith intersects with everyday moments in life.
Heimlich Life Group | Led by James and Michelle Heimlich, this life group meets every season on the first and third Sundays at the church. This group enjoys snacks together while exploring theology as it relates to the mission of the church. This life group takes place at the same time as Youth Small Groups, making it a great option for families with teenagers. It meets in room B-05.
Jane Patton Life Group | This life group, convened by Jane Patton, meets at her home. The life group meets at 4 p.m. twice a month on Sundays during the fall and spring seasons.
Snowbirds Life Group | Locations vary for this life group which meets during the summer and fall life groups seasons. The snowbirds group engages in Bible study and snacks are provided. It meets mid-week (typically Thursdays) in room B-05.
Julie Davis Life Group | This life group, taught by Julie Davis, meets at the home of Brian and Deena Green. It involves extended Bible Study, a meal, and even some take-home work. The life group meets twice a month during the fall and spring seasons, starting at 5:30 p.m.

Fellowship And Other Events

Women's Ministry - "Fresh Brewed Life"
Meeting throughout the year, these events include breakfast and hospitality for women of all ages. Come to share life together!
Church Friends Lunch
These post-worship luncheons are opportunities for fun, food, and fellowship multiple times a year. These usually take place at the church fellowship hall.
Service Trips
All church trips for service and worship allow us to serve together as a church family. Whether assisting communities in medium-to-long-term disaster relief or helping partner organizations with projects they need help with, these are great opportunities to draw close to communities in need, one another, and God.

Stay Updated
There are many ways to get the latest information about what is happening in Adult ministry or any of our ministries.
Get Involved
If you wish to be a part of our adult ministry, contact us!