He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Matthew 10:14 (NIV)
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Overview of Children’s Ministry

Holistic and safe. We care for the spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs of children from infancy through 5th grade. To create a safe environment for our children, FBC Muncie requires that all Children’s Ministry volunteers be background checked and children can only be picked up by a parent/guardian with a matching security tag. For more information on FBC Muncie’s Child Protection Policy or the pick-up/drop-off safety procedures, go to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section below.
Age-appropriate. FBC Muncie has three classroom experiences, each designed with the specific age and developmental stages of children in mind. While in their classrooms, you can expect your children to learn biblical teachings through play areas with age-appropriate toys, group activities, books, and crafts.
Part of the life of the entire congregation. FBC Muncie believes that God created the church to be intergenerational. Children bring new gifts, energy, and perspectives that encourage the adults, while adults model for children what it looks like to worship and live out the Christian faith. For these reasons, FBC Muncie is committed to creating regular opportunities for children to be involved in worship and community service alongside the adult members of the congregation.
Sunday School
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
“Sunday School” refers to a time of small group Bible study during the hour before our regular worship service. While adults are in their traditional Sunday School classes the following is available:
Nursery (Rm. 105) is available for infants through 3 years old.
Children Pre-K through 5th grade are invited to gather in the Kids Center (Rm. B01) to learn about Christian spiritual habits through creative exercises in art, music, reading.
During this time, we emphasize one of four different spiritual habits: spending time with others, using your gifts, spending time with God, and witnessing to our faith.
FBCM’s children’s ministry volunteers teach these spiritual habits through a variety of worship arts experiences, such as hand bells, choir, and theater.

(Rm. 104) is available for infants through 3-year-olds.

FBCM Children's Ministry
We create a safe and nurturing environment for Christian spiritual growth for all ages!

Worship Arts Sunday School
(Rm. B-01) involves our whole children's ministry in music, art, and reading for spiritual formation.
Parents can pick-up their children from the Nursery and Worship Arts Sunday School at 10:15 AM to enjoy breakfast at “Donut Hour” as a family in the Fellowship Hall.
When it’s time for the worship service to begin at 10:45 AM, younger kids may be returned to the Nursery (Rm. 105) while older children Pre-K through 5th grade will join their families in the sanctuary for the first part of worship (~15 minutes) before being dismissed to Children’s Church.

Worship and Children’s Church
Sundays at 10:45 a.m.

FBC Muncie provides childcare throughout all of worship for infants through 3 year olds in the Nursery (Rm. 105).
Families who prefer to keep their young children close during worship are also welcome to use the Family Room (Rm. 104) to nurse, calm crying kids, or take a break while watching the service on a TV.
Because FBC Muncie believes that Children’s Ministry should be part of the life of the entire congregation, we welcome preschool through 5th grade children to participate in the first part of Sunday worship with the adults.
During this time, children will be invited to join their families and the congregation in:
singing, clapping, and dancing to praise songs
reading and listening to holy Scripture
participating in occasional “Children’s Time,” activities and lessons at the front of the sanctuary.
When the first part of worship is over, a member of the FBC Muncie Leadership Team will invite all the children to line up and follow our Children’s Ministry volunteers to Children’s Church. You are also welcome to walk with your child to Children’s Church if that makes you or your child feel more comfortable. Currently, FBCM provides two Children’s Church classes:
Kickstart (Rm. 102) for Preschool through 2nd graders.
The Underground (Rm. B01) for 3rd through 5th graders.
During this second half of worship, adults will have the opportunity to hear the sermon and participate in the rest of worship.
Meanwhile, during Children’s Church, your kids will be engaging with the Bible story through short stories, crafts, games, and other age-appropriate group activities.
When worship is over, parents will take their security tag to pick-up their children from their various classrooms. If you are unsure where a classroom is located, you can stop by the Welcome Center and someone there will be able to guide you.
Special Events
Several children’s events are planned throughout the year. Some are just for fun while others are ways for the children to serve in the church or community. Events are age appropriate and fun for the whole family!
Examples of special events you can expect from our Children’s Ministry include:
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Parent's Night Out
Family Service opportunities
Trunk or Treat
Operation Christmas Child
Dates and Times Vary

Are you curious about upcoming Children’s Ministry events?
Here’s how you can get connected:
Check out Our Calendar
Check out Our Facebook Page
Follow our Instagram
How do I find the church?The church is located in downtown Muncie at 309 East Adams Street. Google maps will take you to the correct place. Our parking lot is located on the Adams Street side. The most common doors people use are the Adams Street entrance at our circular drive (wheelchair accessible), the large wooden front doors which go into the sanctuary, or the Jefferson Street side doors which enter our main hallway near the church offices.
What should I wear?Casual dress is welcome. People wear a variety of styles of clothes from short sleeves (especially in the summer), to suit jackets and “Sunday dresses.” Please dress comfortably and in a way which allows you to devote attention to worship.
Are there nursery care or children’s worship during service?There are. Nursery is available in room 104 for children under three. Greeters will help you check in and direct you. Each child will be given a name tag. Children up to fifth grade will be dismissed to Children’s Church every week except communion Sunday (first week of the month — nursery care is still available). We also have a “Family Room” with rocking chairs, toys, a changing table, and a live stream of the service, for families and little ones who want to step out of worship at any time.
Is your building accessible / ADA compliant?We have a wheel-chair accessible door, an elevator, two wheelchair-accessible bathrooms, and assisted listening devices available upon request. Our building was built in 1929, and is therefore not officially ADA compliant– though we have made efforts to retrofit our building to make it as accessible as possible. For more information see our accessibility page.
Am I allowed to take the Lord’s Supper (communion?)We believe it is the Lord’s table, and all who believe in him and have been baptized may partake. This includes believing Christians, no matter their particular denomination.
I don’t have a background in the Christian religion / I’m not sure what I believe. Will that be a problem if I want to visit?It won’t be a problem at all! Anyone is welcome to attend our time of Worship. You may participate (in singing, the prayers, in Sunday Bible study) as you wish. And, if you want to see a service before you attend in-person, check out our live streams. Please know the pastoral staff is always happy to discuss any questions you might have about our faith in God: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
What if I have other questions?Please contact the office. You can find our contact form here.
Get Involved
If you wish to be a part of our children ministry, contact us!