Get to know the ministers of FBCM
Learn about the staff and volunteers working together in ministry here at
First Baptist Church Muncie, below.

We believe that Christ is the head of the church – our Great Shepherd. Pastors serve as “under-shepherds,” under Christ (1 Peter 5:1-4). Pastors are men and women called by God and the congregation to serve Christ’s church in a variety of ministry areas: from preaching, teaching, visiting the sick, providing spiritual counsel, among many other roles. The pastors serve as a resource for the fulfillment of the Church’s God-given purpose.
We have two Co-Pastors, a married couple, who serve as our Senior Pastors. There is a long history of married couples working together in ministry. In Scripture, married couples hosted churches in their house, taught together, and supported the work of the church as a ministry team (for example, Priscilla and Aquila – see Acts 18:26; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Romans 16:3).
In addition to our Co-Pastors, we also have a Worship Arts Pastor serving on staff who has responsibilities in: coordinating and supporting our worship leaders, planning alongside the Pastors and other ministers in the church, and inviting us into times of intentional worship.
Church Coordination Team
Members of the Church Coordination Team (CCT) are church members selected as representatives by the whole church body for the purpose of coordinating the ministry of the church. They are tasked with coordinating the work of a particular area of church ministry. CCT members generally serve up to three years before rotating off for at least one year before they may be nominated again.
What are Deacons?
There are usually nine active members ordained as deacons at our church, with a minimum of three women and three men serving at any given time. In the New Testament, deacons were chosen for acts of mercy and service in the church (1 Timothy 3:8-9; Romans 16:1-2).
Following that example, Deacons assist at the Lord’s table and in baptism, in orienting and caring for members, and oversee the benevolence fund. A deacon serves a three year term before rotating off for at least one year before they can be nominated again.
Brian Green (Chair of the Diaconate)
Emily Anderson
Jane Patton
Irene Hiatt
Nina Oisten
Larry Bradburn
Larry Fouch
Ministry Intern
Support Staff

Children & Music Ministry Intern
Casey Hong
The Ministry Internship program involves undergraduate students of a variety of majors and ministry interests who receive a scholarship (if eligible) from the church directed toward their program of study.

Communication Specialist
Michelle Heimlich
The Communication Specialist is a part-time position which assists with social media, our Wednesday Weekly News, "The Visitor" quarterly publication, theming for slides, photographic storytelling, and much more!

Wedding Coordinator

Ella Mae Lemen
Ella Mae is a long-time member of First Baptist Church who also serves as our Wedding Coordinator. She is the appropriate person to contact if you are interested in celebrating a Christian wedding ceremony at First Baptist. For more information about wedding ceremonies at First Baptist, please see our Wedding page for more details.

Every Member of this Church
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV)
FBCM challenges each member to exercise his or her gifts for the glory of God. CCT Members and Deacons are chosen from the members of the church. And, even if not currently serving in those particular capacities, every Christian is called to minister to others in some way.
Seeking more information about FBCM?
See our important documents page.