Resources on Christian Mentoring, Parenting, & Discipleship + Resources on Women in Ministry.
Resources for the "Kingdom Family Vacation" sermons on "Spiritual Fathers" and "Spiritual Mothers."
Mentoring & Parenting Resources
□ “A Model For Mentoring” by Keri Wyatt Kent in Christianity Today - Leadership Journal - February 11, 2010 (online article)

□ The Complex And Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children by Holly Taylor Coolman (2023) (Book)
A theological account of parenting.
One of the professors at Northern Seminary, Beth Felker Jones, has a wonderful interview with her on her substack (e-newsletter).

□ Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. (2021) (book, video series)
The book looks at the household through the lens of discipleship and spiritual formation.
The New Friendship Class in B-05 (Sun. 9:30 a.m.) is going through this video series.
□ "John Mark Comer’s Call to Practice, Not Performance” on “The Russell Moore Show”(Podcast)
An interview with John Mark Comer on his book on Christian Discipleship Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did. (2024)
Women In the Bible & Ministry

There is also a video series on this topic on Seminary Now, a service some of our small groups have used for curriculum.

A historical and biblical exploration of the ways women ministered in the early church written for a popular audience. Nijay has also given many interviews about the book on various podcasts.
“Why women should be church leaders and preachers” - Ask N.T. Wright Anything - Premier On Demand - YouTube Video (12:33)
Biblical Scholar N.T. Wright answers questions about women in ministry and the Bible.
“Scriptural Arguments And Women in Ministry” - Beth Felker Jones (blog/ resource list)
Beth Felker Jones shares resources, including some of her own articles, on why churches affirm women in ministry because of, not in spite of, scripture.